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It All Starts With A Purpose

Happy New Year!!! I truly hope that 2019 is the year when all your hopes & wishes come true.

I have to say that I am having the best start to the new year that I have ever had. I don't say this to boast or big myself up, I just want to share it in the hope that it inspires you to feel better too.

As you know I suffered with BDD & social anxiety for most of my teens & early adult life.

In the past I dreaded new year as the thought of another 12 months with more mental anguish was overwhelming. I was really apprehensive about the future & didn't know who I was or what I wanted, I had no direction or plan. I tried a number of different jobs & attempted lots of business ideas in the hope that I would feel better but nothing seemed to work.

I also tried various therapies, courses, treatments & tools, each had its own advantages & worked temporarily but nothing offered the deep healing I was looking for.

Fast forward to 2019 & I can honestly say that I feel really excited about the year ahead.

I know who I am & what I want. I have a plan for the future that works for me & my family as it's tailored to our personalities, skills & interests so it feels manageable & achievable.

It's taken years get to this stage but I now realise there were 4 aspects of my journey that were were turning points which i'd like to share:-

1) Purpose

I discovered my purpose was to fulfill my potential & to help others to fulfill theirs. This came from a deep felt belief that I wasn't good enough. My lack of confidence & anxiety held me back as I felt I'd wasted opportunities & never really achieved what I was capable of. Finding my purpose was so transformational for me that it led to a whole new career & lifestyle. Whether you deep dive into finding your purpose or simply have a desire for self-improvement or healing this is the start of the process. It's the point when you decide you will no longer be a victim, when you feel you have more to offer the world & your motivation for change is stronger than your fear.

2) Mindfulness

Knowing your purpose is one element but having the skills to really 'live' it can be hard. The next turning point for me was mindfulness. Having a mindful approach to life helped me to become aware of the moment & observe it without judgement. This sense of awareness on purpose helped to cultivate a level of gratitude & compassion which felt deeply healing.


This was the moment when everything really started to make sense for me. Creating the REST EASY Method has been fundamental for me & my purpose as it really helps people to fulfill their potential by preventing mental illness. It's core principles to develop emotional intelligence, self-awareness, empathy & resilience are crucial for daily wellbeing.

4) All safe & cosy

The final part of the REST EASY Method is to support yourself in your own unique way. This is different for different people based on personalities, tastes, interests, skills & passions. The best way I have found to support myself is to feel safe & cosy. Developing a deep sense of safety has been the icing on the cake for me & the last piece of the jigsaw that I needed.

These 4 stages form the basis of my teachings & courses for 2019. I'm so excited to be sharing them with you & hope they will bring you some comfort & relief in the coming year.

With much love from



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